Latest News from SFAfA — Winter 2024


We have some exciting updates to share with you as we move further into the fiscal year:

Welcome to Our New Partners!

We’re thrilled to welcome Middletown Animal Hospital and SoMa Animal Hospital to the SFAfA program! We’re excited to partner with you to make a difference for animals in need.

Tauber Fund Is Used Up —
Additional Fund Options Still Exist

The Tauber Fund for 2024 has officially been used up—thank you for your commitment to helping Bay Area animals! Look out for a replenishment early next year. In the meantime, please continue utilizing your GIA funds. If you run out, contact us at to explore additional GIA+ funding options that may be available once your initial GIA is exhausted.

SFAfA — Submit a Request for Funding


Latest News from SFAfA — Fall 2024


We wanted to give a big shout out and a huge thank you to the SFVMA, all of the hospitals, doctors, staff and friends who attended, supported and spread the word about San Francisco Aid for Animals’ Penthouse Pawty. It was a great success. It was by far our most successful fundraiser ever, raising over $40,000. And the donations are still coming in!

It was truly a special night. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. We were sold out days before the event and had 250 attendees. The weather was perfect and the views from the ‘Ohana Floor of the Salesforce Tower were astounding. It was a festive night, filled with lots of music, food and drinks. Thank you all for your generous participation in our Silent Auction and our Fund a Need. We couldn’t be happier. Now, in cooperation with our member hospitals, we will be able to provide even more lifesaving veterinary care to deserving families. We couldn’t have done this without you.

We can’t say it enough. Many thanks to all of you for your efforts and kindness. We are truly grateful.

Best regards,
The Advisory Committee of
San Francisco Aid for Animals

Latest News from SFAfA — Summer 2024


End of Fiscal Year 2024

Just a reminder that our fiscal year ends on June 30th. Please check your records to make sure that you have used your grant allotment for the year. Please submit all grant requests by June 15th. Any unused grant funds at the end of the fiscal year go back into the general pool, to be distributed next year. We don’t want any deserving pet missing out on the urgent care that they need. If you are not sure about your fund balance, have an active case that you won’t be able to submit by 6/15 or have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.

Tauber Fund for Animals

We have had a very robust utilization of the Tauber funds again this year. We are so happy that so many animals have been helped. We still have enough funds for a few cases. But unfortunately, once the funds have been 100% utilized, we won’t know until January of 2025 if our very generous donor will replenish them. Please check with us to make sure that Tauber funds are available before you promise them to a client. If you do have a big case that needs assistance and there are no remaining Tauber funds, please contact one of us. We can try to help you find another way to help your patient./p>

Enrollment for Fiscal Year 2025

We have sent out our enrollment packets for the new fiscal year, which starts on July 1st. If you didn’t receive your packet and would like to enroll again this year, please contact us. We will let everyone know about their grant allotments for FYE25 by the end of June. If you are not currently partnering with SFAfA and would like to find out more about being a member hospital, please reach out to one of the grant team.

Fundraiser at the Salesforce Tower — August 16th

We are very excited to announce that we are partnering with Salesforce for our next fundraising event. Salesforce has generously agreed to allow us to host our event on the top floor of the Salesforce Tower on the evening of August 16th. It will be an evening of old and new friends, good food, amazing views and some surprises. If you want to support SFAfA or you are just curious about what it is like to be in the tallest building in San Francisco, mark the date on your calendar. Tickets will be limited and will not be able to be purchased on the day of the event.

Please watch for updates as we iron out the details. We hope to see you all there!

Hanna Lee Aurelia Heitz Anne Marie Benfatto, DVM Lea Del Rosso, DVM

Latest News from SFAfA — Winter 2023

Just a reminder to those using our grants this year. As a way to help you help more pets in need, the GIA match has been lowered to 50% this year. If your hospital would like to continue to match at a higher percentage, that’s great. We are happy to be working with all of you and together the more families we can help the better.

Our Tauber funds (This is the fund for higher-cost cases and the 25% match.) have not yet been replenished. We are hoping that our donor will again make this possible at the beginning of the year. We will let everyone know as soon as we have an update. You can also check the “For Providers” section of our website. It will have the current available Tauber Funds listed.

If you are interested in helping us out in any capacity, we would love your help. We are always looking for people with lots of energy and lots of new ideas. We often need dedicated people who would like to volunteer for specific projects or who would like to join the board. If you are interested, please contact us anytime through the website ( or at

Be on the lookout for new signage for your hospitals. We are currently working on new ways for your clients to donate to SFAfA, which will include posters, dog houses and opaque wall-mounted collection boxes, all with QR codes for donations. We are also working on updated signage with information about our program to post in staff areas. Once they are completed, we will reach out to your hospital and tailor a plan that works best for you.


This program is a compassionate way to acknowledge the loss of your client’s beloved pet, while helping SFAfA to continue its mission to provide funds for urgently needed veterinary care. It is simple and easy to do. You provide us with a list of clients and the names of their deceased pets. One of our volunteers sends your client a signed condolence card with a personalized hand written note, acknowledging your generous donation to SFAfA in memory of their pet. We do not specify the actual donation amount to your client. We ask for a donation of at least $10 for each card that we send. This very successful program has been in existence for over ten years and we have sent out more than 15,000 cards on your behalf. If you are interested in more information or would like to join the program, please contact Anne Marie at


“Estrella” is a 12 year old f/s toy poodle who went missing from her home. After two days, her frantic owners found her at Animal Care and Control. They were told that she was brought to ACC by a good Samaritan who had seen her thrown from a car. “Estrella” had a problem with her mouth, was barely eating and she needed veterinary care. Her family brought her to Mission Pet Hospital where she was examined and treated by Dr. Claire Blumstein for a fractured jaw. Her family didn’t have the resources to pay for much more than her exam. Between an SFAfA grant and the match by Mission Pet, “Estrella” was treated and is doing great at home today.

Thank you all for all of your dedication and hard work. We wouldn’t be able to help pets like “Estrella” without your compassion, care and support. We are grateful every day to be working with such an amazing group of people. Thank you all!!!!!!

Latest News from SFAfA — Fall 2023

SFAFA’s grant cycle (which began July 1) is in full swing with over 20 Bay Area Hospitals and over 100 veterinarians participating. This year the GIA match has been reduced to 50% to make more funds available to more hospitals.

The Tauber Funds for the most serious cases, which funds on a calendar year basis, has been exhausted for 2023. We hope it will be refunded in January.

If you are not a member veterinarian and would like to learn more about our program or if you are a member and have any questions please reach out to us at:

Finally — If you, your friends or family will be in San Ramon on Monday September 18 between 4:30 and 8PM you must go to Gianni’s Italian Bistro. During that time all tips and 10% of all sales go to SFAfA!!

Latest News from SFAfA — Summer 2023

Just a reminder that our fiscal year ends on June 30th. Please check your records to make sure that you have used your grant allotment for the year. We ask that all grant requests be submitted to us by June 15th. Remember that any unused grant funds at the end of the fiscal year go back into the general pool, to be distributed next year. You lose it if you don’t use it. We don’t want any deserving pet missing out on the urgent care that they need.
If you are not sure about your fund balance or have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.

Tauber Fund for Animals Update. We have had a very robust utilization of the Tauber Funds this year. They are almost completely depleted and it is only May! We are so happy that so many animals have been helped. But unfortunately, once the funds have been 100% utilized, we won’t know until January of 2024 if our very generous donor will replenish them. Please check our website to make sure that Tauber funds are available before you promise them to a client. If you do have a big case that needs assistance and there are no Tauber funds left, please contact one of us. We can try to help you find a way to help your patient.

We are getting ready to send out our enrollment packets for the upcoming year. Please watch your emails. If you don’t receive your packet by early June, please contact us. Once you received them, please fill out the forms and return them to us by mid-June. We will let everyone know about their grant allotments for FYE24 by the end of June.

After meeting with the Vet Advisory Committee and getting your feedback, we have made some changes to our program for the coming year. We are simplifying the process and making it easier for you to access the funds. Please watch for updates before the end of the enrollment period and at the start of FYE24. We will keep you posted. We want to make it as easy as possible for all of you to use every penny of your funds every year.

Finally, we wanted to meet “Knopa”, a six-year old Maltipoo. Knopa had a very painful abdomen and was urinating frequently around the house. “Knopa’s” mom is elderly, living on a fixed income and is being helped by a caregiver. The caregiver reached out to us and asked for help for the family. We directed her to our list of member hospitals on the SFAfA website. “Knopa” was seen at Peninsula Avenue Veterinary Hospital and was diagnosed with multiple very large bladder stones. “Knopa’s” mom could not afford the surgery that was desperately needed. With the help of an SFAfA grant, Dr. Kelley at Peninsula Avenue performed a cystotomy and removed the stones. On recheck, “Knopa” (and her mom) were happy, doing well and very grateful for the help from Peninsula Avenue Veterinary Clinic and from SFAfA. We are so very proud of our collaboration with all of you. With your help, we hope to be able to share lots more happy-ending stories like this one. Many thanks for all that you do from the board and volunteers at San Francisco Aid for Animals!

Hanna Lee Aurelia Heitz Anne Marie Benfatto, DVM

Latest News from SFAfA — Spring 2023

We are more than halfway through our fiscal year and delighted that so many hospitals are using their funds. For those of you who haven’t utilized all of your grant funds, don’t forget that what you don’t use by June 15th is returned to our general fund and awarded to all of our member hospitals in the next fiscal year. We want to help you help as many pets and their families as possible.

We are very pleased that our Tauber Fund for Animals will be available to you again this year. The funds are first come – first served, for more costly cases and have a different matching structure than our Grant in Aid Program. To make it easier for you, the For Providers section of our website shows the real time balance available in the fund. We can be reached anytime if you have questions about what type of cases qualify and how to access the funds.

Please watch your email for enrollment information for our next funding cycle, which starts July 1st. This spring we will be emailing your hospital an enrollment packet for the new fiscal year. Please complete and return it to us. We will inform you at the end of June about your available funding.

We are continuing to strive to meet you and your patient’s needs in this ever-changing environment. Over the last few years, we have expanded our program by adding more San Francisco and Bay Area hospitals. With your feedback, we have been adding new programs and modifying our existing ones to help you better assist your clientele. Our current programs include the Grant in Aid Program, Tauber Fund for Animals, Good Partner Program and Durfee Funds. If you are unfamiliar with any of these programs or want any guidance on how to access these funds, please reach out any time.

We wanted to introduce you to “Toto” a 5-year-old DMH who had a markedly comminuted right humoral fracture. Toto’s pet parent was experiencing health issues and financial difficulties. He was declined Care Credit. His pet insurance did not cover the entire bill for surgical repair. Amputation was his only option. Toto’s dad reached out for help through our website. We directed him to our member hospitals listed on our website. He was able to connect with Dr. Tong at Lenity. With an SFAfA grant, Toto’s leg was repaired. He is doing great at home and is expected to have full use of his leg, a far better outcome than amputation.

Some of the other cases for which we have recently provided funds are a toy poodle who needed a cystotomy, a DSH with a jejunal foreign body, a French Bulldog who needed an enucleation, a DSH with a mammary mass, a chihuahua with a gingival mass and severe dental disease, a DMH with a degloving injury on her tail, a Pit Bull with a pyometra and a toy poodle who had bite wounds after being attacked by a large dog. What amazing work!

We are so proud to be able to partner with such amazing people. You don’t hear it nearly enough. Thank you for all of your dedication, hard work and the care that you provide.

Thank you for all that you do!

Best regards from everyone at San Francisco Aid for Animals

Latest News from SFAfA — Fall 2022

We hope that you all had a wonderful summer and that things are settling down to a new and more manageable normal.

Our new fiscal year began on July 1 and by now all SFAFA members should have received their packets and instructions for this year. If you have any questions or want more information about SFAFA please contact either Dr. Anne Marie Benfatto ( or Hanna Lee (

Our GIA and Tauber programs are fully funded for this year. We are pleased to announce a new fund: the Good Partner Program that will provide you with dollars after you have exhausted all your GIA funds. It will provide you with access up to $5000 in additional funds and requires only a 50% match. The purpose is to allow you more flexibility in how you use your GIA especially towards the end of the fiscal year. If you have any questions please contact either Anne Marie or Hanna.

We are having a FundRaiser and invite you to participate: Please join us on Monday Sept 12 at Gianni’s Italian Bistro in San Ramon. Either dine in or take out and SFAFA will receive 10% of sales and ALL TIPS. Our SFAFA board members and volunteers will be your servers for the night. Reservations can be made on Yelp at the link below:

Suggestions, comments, helping us out

If you have suggestions or comments about how we can improve the program, we would love to hear from you. We are always trying to tailor the program to make it as seamless as possible for us to provide the needed funds while you to provide needed care.

If you are interested in helping out with our fundraisers, volunteering behind the scenes or even possibly serving on our advisory board, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

You can contact us:
— Anne Marie Benfatto, DVM — Hanna Lee

Latest News from SFAfA — Summer 2022

There have been lots of changes on the veterinary front in the last couple of years. For those of you who are new to the Bay Area, San Francisco Aid for Animals is a program started by four SFVMA member veterinarians in 2013 to help clients facing financial hardship get urgently needed veterinary care for their pets. Since then, we have grown our board to eleven members. SFAfA partners with our member hospitals to provide that care through our financial assistance and hospital discounts. To date we have provided over one million dollars in veterinary care to over 600 beloved pets. This past year cases included a fractured pelvis, a mass removal, an enucleation, a Naproxen toxicity, and dental work to name a few.

Enrollment time is here!

Our new fiscal year starts July 1, 2022. We have emailed invitations to all of our member hospitals. If you have received your invitation, please sign the form and get it back to us so that you can continue to have access to grant funds next year. If your hospital is not a member and you are interested in partnering with us, we would be happy to speak to you about the program and about enrollment.

Reminder for those of you who have not utilized all of your grants funds this year:

Our fiscal year closes on June 15th. If you identify a case that needs our help, please make sure to use the funds and submit the grant request to us by June 15th. If you have an active case where you won’t have completed treatment by our deadline please call us. We can work on an extension to keep the funds available to you. Remember, if you don’t use your funds by June 15 those funds revert back to the pool to be awarded the next fiscal year.

Suggestions, comments, helping us out

If you have suggestions or comments about how we can improve the program, we would love to hear from you. We are always trying to tailor the program to make it as seamless as possible for us to provide the needed funds while you to provide needed care.

If you are interested in helping out with our fundraisers, volunteering behind the scenes or even possibly serving on our advisory board, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

You can contact us:
— Anne Marie Benfatto, DVM — Hanna Lee

Latest News from SFAfA — Fall 2021

We are so pleased to announce that as of July 1st, San Francisco Aid for Animals has entered our tenth year of providing grants to Bay Area veterinarians. Despite a very bumpy year for the entire veterinary community, we were able to hold our own with fundraising and have entered our new fiscal year ready to face the challenges ahead. This past year, with your help and support, we were able to provide over $200,000 for life-saving veterinary care for 66 pets. Our continued success has allowed us to expand our service area and we have added new member hospitals in Sonoma County and the East Bay which gives us the ability to reach more deserving families and their beloved pets. Many thanks to all of you for all of your help and support for this amazing program. Many of you have partnered with us since day one. We couldn’t have made it this far without you. Here is to another successful year for all of us! Thank you, thank you, thank you from San Francisco Aid for Animals.

The story of Hank — another success story:
We couldn’t have done it without all of you!

A pit bull puppy was found abandoned and left for dead in an orchard in the East Bay. He was taken to UnderDog Rescue, was named Hank and was placed as a foster with Molly and her family. It didn’t take long before they all fell in love. Hank had found his forever home. Some time later the family noticed some awkwardness in his gait and he was taken to IronHorse VetCare in Dublin where it was discovered that he had ligament tears in both stifles. Underdog Rescue and Hank’s new family were committed to funding Hank’s bilaterial TPLO surgery, but their resources did not completely cover the cost of Hank’s care. Luckily, as an SFAfA member hospital, IronHorse reached out to us and a grant was provided to cover the remainder of Hank’s medical costs. Hank had a successful surgery and is now recovering well at home.

Molly’s family sent us this message:

“We are so beyond grateful that you stepped in to help Hank! He is an absolutely precious boy who loves our family BIG and we love him BIG. It has been love at first cuddle and we can’t wait to have him back adventuring with us. Thank you thank you thank you for all you do and for making this chance for Hank possible! (Here he is wishing that he could jump on the couch again – soon enough buddy soon enough!)”

Latest News from SFAfA — Summer 2021

SFAFA is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, we have moved to a new fiscal sponsor and have replaced Community Initiatives with Inquiring Systems Inc of Santa Rosa. We don’t expect our member hospitals to see much change in SFAFA’s day to day business. We still have our non profit status and are working diligently to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Currently there are very few changes in our Grant Program and those that we have made will streamline the process even more. If you are a member hospital one of our board members has likely already contacted you to discuss the changes. If you haven’t heard from a board member please let us know.

We have made some updates to our Website and Donation platform and will continue to accept checks (made out to San Francisco Aid for Animals), credit cards and have added PayPal as a donation option. The donation page of our website ( has been updated to reflect this information.

Our In Memoriam program is going strong. If you would like more information or might be interested in participating please contact us.

Let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information about these changes. We are so happy and appreciative of the partnership that we have with SFVMA and all of our member hospitals and want to make sure to keep you informed. We could not do this important work with your help.

Latest News from SFAfA — Spring 2021

We want to remind everyone that despite the pandemic SFAFA is still going strong. SFAFA is here to help when you see cases where your clients are unable to afford their pet’s care.

Don’t forget that if you work in a member hospital you have been pre-approved for funds to help your clients. We are very happy to report that Ingrid Tauber has provided us with a very generous grant of $45,000 to refund the Tauber fund for 2021 to help with your larger cases.

Also included in this newsletter are a one-page flow chart to help you navigate our program and a sheet detailing some of the types of cases that we cover. Please download them and post them in your treatment rooms and doctors’ offices. We want you to remember SFAFA when you are working with a client whose pet has an urgent need for care and a good prognosis and the client can’t afford the bill.

As in previous grant cycles you have access to your GIA funds until June 15. Any funds not utilized by that date are returned to the general fund. They do not roll-over. Tauber funds are available on a first come, first served basis for the entire calendar year.

Later this spring we will contact all SFVMA members with enrollment information for our next fiscal year that starts on July 1, 2021.

If you have any questions about whether a case would qualify for our program, how
to submit a request for funds or any other matter please contact us either through our website: or directly via the email addresses below.

We are here to help you provide the best possible care for your patients and their families. Thank you for being part of the SFAFA family and for all of the good work you are doing for the Bay Area community. Stay well.

Anne Marie Benfatto, DVM

Hanna Lee

Latest News from SFAfA — Winter 2020


With the help of our member hospitals and our donors, we have provided $1,000,000 worth of life saving veterinary care for 577 well-loved Bay Area pets since “Riot” — *our very first case in 2012. THANK YOU. We are so grateful for your participation and support.

Our Grant-in-Aid funds were awarded to our member hospitals on July 1, and are available for use through June 15, 2021. Don’t forget about your SFAFA funds when you are treating a case where the client is facing financial need, and the case fits our criteria. If you have any questions about our criteria please reach out to us for help.

We have used all of our Tauber Funds for 2020. When more funds become available, we will let you know.

Latest News from SFAfA — Fall 2020

We have started our new fiscal year and are working with nineteen Bay Area Hospitals. Unfortunately the Tauber Fund for Animals has been depleted and is not available at this time. Questions about the program should be directed to Board members via the SFAFA website (

Despite the pandemic, our Board is working hard to strengthen our program and has increased fund raising efforts. If anyone is interested in helping out with our fundraising efforts, or serving as a volunteer or as a Board member, please contact us:

We are so proud of all the essential work being done by Bay Area Veterinary Hospitals.
You are all heroes and we are proud to play a small part in helping to support your efforts.

Latest News from SFAfA — Summer 2020

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges to Bay Area and local businesses. We expect that the need for SFAFA funds will increase in the coming months. If you are able, please consider making a gift to SFAFA to help us help Bay Area veterinarians secure the health and welfare of their patients, and to keep pets and their families together. We are so proud of all the work that you are doing, and feel honored to be able to partner with all of you.

The last day for submissions for this year’s GIA program is JUNE 15. Any of your unused GIA funds will revert back to the general fund on June 15. (Use it or lose it.) If you have any cases that may not meet the deadline please contact us ASAP so that we can earmark funds for you.

Due to the current financial crisis associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, we eliminated the required hospital match from March 16 through June 15, 2020, to make it easier for our member hospitals to award GIA funds. We will be reevaluating this program this month and will keep you updated. The pandemic has also greatly depleted our Tauber funds for this year. If you have a case that could use these funds please check our website for current availability.

We have sent out enrollment packages for our next fiscal year that begins on July 1. Please fill out the forms and return them to us by June 1. We want to make sure that anyone who wishes to participate in our program has the opportunity to do so. If you did not receive an enrollment package, or would like to start the program, please contact Hanna Lee at: or Anne Marie Benfatto at:

Congratulations to VCA SF Veterinary Specialists. They were the first hospital this year to use all of their GIA funds, and so were awarded an additional $1,000 from the Phil Durfee fund, to use on any SFAFA case this year.

Stay well and thank you!

Latest News from SFAfA — Winter 2019

We are pleased to let you know that we have over 120 veterinarians participating in our Grant-in-Aid program this year. We have also started a pilot program with a few hospitals in other Bay Area cities. Don’t forget that your GIA funds are available until June 15, 2020. Our Tauber Fund for highend cases is fully funded through December 31, 2019.

We are planning an exciting new fund raising event for February 2020. Watch your e-mail for more information.

We welcome any and all suggestions, volunteers, as well as donations. If you are interested please contact any of our Board Members for more information. Board members information is posted on our web site:

Latest News from SFAfA — Fall 2019

Things are going well at SFAFA. A very successful fund raiser, Bark & Brew, was held on August 31. Thank you all that attended.

Our board of Directors has grown significantly over the past six months allowing us to do more fund raising, more outreach and provide more grants than ever before. So far this fiscal year we had saved 475 pets.

Our new grant year started on July 1, 2019 and everyone should have received all the necessary information about their available Grants-in-Aid funds for use between now and June 15, 2020. If anyone has questions about the program or their grants please contact Dr. Annemarie Benfatto (

Latest News from SFAfA — Summer 2019

So far this year we have provided over $150,000 (GIA’s and hospital matches) to help save over 85 pets. Please remember that our fiscal year ends June 30 and any unused GIA funds will be returned to the general fund to be distributed in next year’s GIA program. Let us know before June 15 if you will have any difficulties meeting that deadline for a specific case; we may be able to earmark fund for you.

The Tauber Fund, which runs on a calendar year cycle, is still well funded. If you think you may have a case that will qualify please contact us.

This past year has been very busy. In addition the GIA and Tauber programs we established a Fire Fund that we mobilized during the Camp Fire and partnered with veterinary hospitals and the Butte County Humane Society to provide financial assistance to pets in need and their families. We also established a new fund (Dr. Phil Durfee fund) that provides a $1,000 grant to the first SFAFA hospital that exhausts their GIA funds and needs additional help. This year the recipient was Bay Area Bird Hospital.

Our Bow-Wow film was a great success. Thank you to everyone, individuals and hospitals, for your support. Your continued support allows us to help more pets.

Our In Memoriam Program is growing and we hope you will join. For a small contribution to SFAFA we send out a card to your client letting them know that we received a donation from you in their pet’s memory. Our participating hospitals are very happy with the responses they received from their clients. A great way to help SFAFA and to honor your clients.

More information on all programs is available on the “For Providers” page at or by emailing

Latest News from SFAfA — Spring 2019

We are pleased to announce that since July 2018 our Grant-in-Aid program has distributed over $27,000 which, together with the matching grants from our participating hospitals, has provided over $63,000 in veterinary care and helped save fifty five animals.

Our second program, The Ingrid Tauber Fund for Animals, which is designed for higher cost cases, has distributed $50,000 in 2018 and has helped save thirteen animals. The Tauber Fund also provided funds that helped provide veterinary care for many animals affected by the recent Camp fire in Butte County.

More information on all programs is available on the “For Providers” page at or by emailing

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