Latest News from SFAfA — Fall 2022

We hope that you all had a wonderful summer and that things are settling down to a new and more manageable normal.

Our new fiscal year began on July 1 and by now all SFAFA members should have received their packets and instructions for this year. If you have any questions or want more information about SFAFA please contact either Dr. Anne Marie Benfatto ( or Hanna Lee (

Our GIA and Tauber programs are fully funded for this year. We are pleased to announce a new fund: the Good Partner Program that will provide you with dollars after you have exhausted all your GIA funds. It will provide you with access up to $5000 in additional funds and requires only a 50% match. The purpose is to allow you more flexibility in how you use your GIA especially towards the end of the fiscal year. If you have any questions please contact either Anne Marie or Hanna.

We are having a FundRaiser and invite you to participate: Please join us on Monday Sept 12 at Gianni’s Italian Bistro in San Ramon. Either dine in or take out and SFAFA will receive 10% of sales and ALL TIPS. Our SFAFA board members and volunteers will be your servers for the night. Reservations can be made on Yelp at the link below:

Suggestions, comments, helping us out

If you have suggestions or comments about how we can improve the program, we would love to hear from you. We are always trying to tailor the program to make it as seamless as possible for us to provide the needed funds while you to provide needed care.

If you are interested in helping out with our fundraisers, volunteering behind the scenes or even possibly serving on our advisory board, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

You can contact us:
— Anne Marie Benfatto, DVM — Hanna Lee