SFAFA is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, we have moved to a new fiscal sponsor and have replaced Community Initiatives with Inquiring Systems Inc of Santa Rosa. We don’t expect our member hospitals to see much change in SFAFA’s day to day business. We still have our non profit status and are working diligently to make this transition as smooth as possible.
Currently there are very few changes in our Grant Program and those that we have made will streamline the process even more. If you are a member hospital one of our board members has likely already contacted you to discuss the changes. If you haven’t heard from a board member please let us know.
We have made some updates to our Website and Donation platform and will continue to accept checks (made out to San Francisco Aid for Animals), credit cards and have added PayPal as a donation option. The donation page of our website (SFAFA.org) has been updated to reflect this information.
Our In Memoriam program is going strong. If you would like more information or might be interested in participating please contact us.
Let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information about these changes. We are so happy and appreciative of the partnership that we have with SFVMA and all of our member hospitals and want to make sure to keep you informed. We could not do this important work with your help.