Latest News from SFAfA — Winter 2018

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Dr. Phil Durfee Fund in recognition of Phil’s five years of service as an SFAFA Board member and his continuing volunteer service to Vet SOS and PAWS.

The purpose of this Fund is to help hospitals that wish to accept patients who are eligible for SFAFA Grants in Aid but have already exhausted their annual GIA funding. The Fund will provide up to $1,000 to the first hospital that has used its entire GIA grant and does not need to be matched. Details will be available through

A generous SFAFA Board member has offered to match all donations until our goal of $5,000 is reached enabling us to extend this fund for many years. Please consider making a donation today!

Our existing programs continue to fund life saving care to pets in need. Since July 1 our Grants–in-Aid program has provided over $10,000 in funding and helped save 22 pets while the Ingrid Tauber Fund for Animals has donated nearly $23,000 and helped save 7 pets. Together with the matching donations generously provided by our participating hospitals that is over $53,000 worth of life saving care provided in the last three months alone.

More information is available on the “For Providers” page at or by emailing