President’s statement — November 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Five years ago, I joined the board of the SFVMA originally as the secretary as a way to give back to our local veterinary community. I had been doing relief work around the city for a couple of years and wanted to help provide a place for everyone to come together to meet, commiserate, and learn with other veterinarians in the area. We’ve certainly had some trials during this time with losing the Cliff House, trying to figure out providing online CE during COVID, finding a new venue during a pandemic willing to take a large group, and trying to encourage local veterinarians to join us once again.
It has been a pleasure to serve this community, and I am very grateful for all the people that I have met and gotten to know during this time. However, after serving as the secretary, the president, or both during the last 5 years, it is time for me to step down from the board. We will be once again holding elections for the president and vice president positions at the November meeting like the old days (the new secretary, treasurer, and HOD representatives were elected earlier this year). Dr. Anna DeVincenzi has served as the vice president for the last 6 years and would also like to step down. Most people have historically served as board members for 2-3 years, though certainly some for less, so we’re both a bit overdue for an exit (thanks COVID). …
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Winter 2022 SFVMA Newsletter (PDF)