SFVMA News — Spring 2019

Spring Meeting Sponsor

Royal Canin


What is Happening to Veterinary Medicine?

I admit that the question is a little ambiguous. It can be answered in many ways. We could discuss the dramatic changes that have occurred to our profession over the last 30 or 40 years. We could discuss whether those changes have uniformly benefitted our patient and us as professionals. We could also discuss where veterinary medicine may be headed in the future.

Many of us we could debate pros and cons of the changes. There have been advances in technology and medical care. The business of veterinary science has dramatically changed with supply companies, insurance, ownership and expected revenue. The cost of veterinary medicine has increased dramatically to enable to supply the services
our clients demand. Are we still considered a caring profession? What is the effect of these changes on the individual as a professional?

Where is veterinary medicine going now? Are we aware of the changes? Are we prepared and is there a place for all of us? So many questions! I understand that millennials may not care where we came from, but the old adage remains as true today as it was when it was first coined and that is “If you want to know where you are going then look where you have been.” …

Continue reading this article and more in the Spring 2019 SFVMA Newsletter (PDF)